Friday, November 16, 2007

I've Moved...



I've decided I like the idea of having a record of what I've been doing:

  • I'd like a record of when I start/end commuting for the year
  • I can see what the weather was like previous years at this time
  • I'd like to look back and see how I felt and maybe why
  • I like the idea of looing back and seeing what happened at my first tri, how I did at the Anoka Gray Ghost, etc...
  • I thought it was cool to look back on the Trailhead Blog and see when skiing started last year

And realisically, I don't expect this stuff to be read by many people but me. It is just a nice diary I can update from anywhere.

For those reasons I'd like my "blog" to live on after my Team Strong Heart RAAM stuff and have made it more general.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Getting Cold

I'm gonna commute till Thanksgiving if it kills me...

Commute. WINDY.

Commute. Trailer Lilly to vote. It passed!

Commute. Trailer to "dad and Lilly" class.

Commute. Spin. Beer. All were fun!


My parents are in town. Ran 8 in Elm Creek. Shopping and Moon Rock for dinner.

Rum River CX - hard and fast, like a road race on grass, lots of drafting.
gapped from the start (person in front of me missed pedal)
19th in the A race, 6th A2

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

November Already

With any luck, I've still got a few weeks of commuting.

Trailer Lilly to Target.

Trailer to daycare "Spook Fest".

Commute. WINDY.

Worked from home.
Ran 8 at lunch in Elm Creek. (felt great)
Trailer to daycare pickup.
RAAM training conference call.

Commute. Coming home is WINDY and I'm really pushing to get to Lilly's dr appt. So much for taking it easy today.

Neil's free CX race with Andy, Mike B and Bernie. FUN! Had some beer and Belinda made us cornbread afterwards. More FUN! Won a 5-pack of Moose Drool and a half bottle of rum for my 1st place finish. :)
Went to "Gopher Game" with Neil. Actually most of the time was at Town Hall.

Grumpy's NSC VeloCross. Cool course with a big mud ditch.
15th overall in the A race (3rd A2).
Bjorn lapped everyone in the A race except for maybe the top 5. WOW.
Ran relay races (complete with hurdles) around the living room with Lilly and Holly.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Anoka's Halloween Week

This week's "training":

Bike to TSH meeting at Caribou.

Commute. WINDY.
Trailer to Rocket Park with Lilly and Neil.

Trailer to Target and then Dad & Lilly Class (ECFE).
Cracked open a Moose Dool. Underside of the cap said, "More Cowbell." Awww yeah.

Lilly and I stopped by the shop to pick up some stuff and saw Neil, Jorge and Dan spinning.

Fixed deck with Jerry and Rusty.

Ran Anoka Gray Ghost 5k - 13th (17:19).

10th - Eric Kalmes 17:08
11th - Andrew Carlson 17:11
12th - Tom Prentke 17:18
13th - John Rotach 17:19
14th - Nick Milewski 17:20
15th - Hyun Yoon 17:20

Funny: Eric, Tom, me and Joe (Hyun) are all MDT guys that have run together from time to time.
Did a lap in the park with Aimee.
Cards and fun with Holly's family until 1:00 in the morning.

Rode to TSH picture at Elm Creek ski chalet. Rode a little with Jay after the photo.

Monday, October 22, 2007


Had fun at Powderhorn Sunday despite doing this 10+ times:

Powderhorn Runup

Great to have family and friends cheering! Ended up 19th overall in the A race and 4th in the A2s (cat3).

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Inaugural Entry

Yep, that's right. My first blog entry.

Summary of this past week:

Ran 10k in Autumn Woods Classic (Elm Creek Park)
Finished 5th overall with a 37:30 (6:03 pace)

Boom Island CX - A2 (A race, cat3)
Finished ~17th overall, 3rd in A2 race

Monday - Wednesday
Commuted. In the rain. Ugh...
Can't get "Wonderboy" out of my head.
Carved pumpkins.

Drove into work for the 2nd time since March.
Ran 7 at lunch with Todd, Wade, and Eric.
Spin class with Neil, JayT, Andy, Jorge, Dan
Beer drinking with Neil, JayT,
Andy (who rode to/from in 50 degrees & rain)

Commuted. Rain and 40mph wind in the morning. 40mph wind in the afternoon.
Went to Carver Park for "Critter Haunt".
Ate at Old Chicago and had a 25oz Moose Dool. (favorite)

Did 60 or so from TH.
Hit Caribou and Panera for cappucino, bagels and laughs.
Home in time for Holly to head out with girls.
Anoka Light Up the Night parade.